Markus Poschke Home    Research    Teaching    CV


I am a Professor and William Dawson Scholar in the Department of Economics at McGill University, Montreal, where I have been working since 2007. I received my PhD from the European University Institute (EUI), Florence. In 2018, I received the Bank of Canada's Governor's Award.

My main research interests are in macroeconomics broadly, in particular macro-development and structural change, inequality, labor markets, and firm dynamics and entrepreneurship. My work often focusses on heterogeneity and its consequences. To do so, I use quantitative macroeconomic models and large administrative datasets and survey data.

I'm also the PI of a Research Team on Inequality, funded by FRQSC. Team members are Rui Castro, Nicolas Gendron-Carrier, Fabian Lange, Fernando Saltiel (McGill), Raquel Fonseca (UQAM), Baris Kaymak (Cleveland Fed), Joao Galindo da Fonseca and Immo Schott (Université de Montréal), as well as our students and new associate members Davide Alonzo, Laëtitia Renée, Hyejin Park (UdeM), Andrei Munteanu (UQAM).

Recent and upcoming events:

Next Inequality Lab meetings: Oct 21, Nov 25.

First Cireq/Cirano/Creei conference on New Research and Policy Perspectives on Inequality and Poverty (co-organizer: Raquel Fonseca)

Montreal Workshop on Markets with Frictions (co-organizers: Nicolas Gendron-Carrier, Fabian Lange and Fernando Saltiel)


Accepted: Wage employment, unemployment and self-employment across countries, Journal of Monetary Economics.

Conditionally accepted: Accounting for Wealth Concentration in the United States, AEJ Macro.

New SSHRC Grant for project on Labor market types, skills, and macroeconomic outcomes.

First version: The Gender Division of Work Across Countries (with Charles Gottlieb, Cheryl Doss and Douglas Gollin).

First version: Skill Supply, Firm Size, and Economic Development (with Charles Gottlieb and Michael Tueting). This is a background paper for the World Bank's 2024 WDR. Updates to follow.

In preparation: Labor market transitions, chapter for the Handbook of Labor Economics (with Rui Castro and Fabian Lange).

Coming soon: First version of Top Productivity Dynamics (with my former PhD student Alex Amundsen). [slides]

Interested in cross-country data on working from home? Check out my short paper on Working from Home in Developing Countries in the European Economic Review, and the accompanying simulator to explore the data.

You find my CV here, Ideas/RePEc page here, and Google Scholar page here.

Contact information:

McGill University
Department of Economics
855 Sherbrooke St West
Montreal QC
Canada H3A 2T7
markus.poschke [AT]